Five (5) Years Plus!!

LIFE IS GRAND! Just finished my 5 year round of chemo. Systo reveals no abnormal cells. One more round of chemo next March (2009). I hope that my results are encouraging to all who read this. I am so thankful for the support of my family and friends and for God's healing power. My wish […]

Transitional Cell Carcinoma in-Situ and High Grade

Transitional Cell Carcinoma in-Situ and High Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma Diagnosed 11/15/02. Not at high risk based on risk factors. Only possibility second hand smoke from parents. (Occassional cigar but one has to have at least one vice.) Transurethal resection on 11/19/02. Urologist was "very aggressive" in resecting. Pathology encouraging. Second pathological opinion from Johns […]