My Dad part five

Well Dad is now home! He came home Friday night around 8pm. Almost a month in hospital. Carolyn, my sister, and my Mum went to collect him. The nursing staff were wonderful. As he left, Dali one of the nurses (she is from India I think), took Dad's face in her hands, looked deeply into […]

My Dad part four

Better and better news. Dad is now eating and is his old self again. To hear him laugh on the telephone yesterday was as beautiful as hearing the wind rustle the long grass, the sea lapping at the shore and the feel of hot sun on skin. He is alive. He is still part of […]

My Dad part three

All seems to be going well. After a long haul of anti-biotics, intravenous feeding and physiotherapy, Dad has beaten the wound infection, the chest infection and has managed to have 'movement' in his bowels. We are definately going to have a poo party now! He is now on limited food intake (jelly) with tiny sips […]

My Dad part two

I am updating this for my own purposes really. Thursday  -we came home to see Dad today as my sister and Mum said he was getting very low. I rang Mr Carr the consultant and managed to speak with his PA who was very helpful. She put us in touch with the Clinical Nurse Specialist […]

My Dad

Hi I am from the UK and my Dad has undergone a huge operation just over a week ago. He was (finally) diagnosed with cancer of the ureter and kidney in November after several tests which began in July. He was taken into hospital in January to have his left kidney and ureter removed only […]