My Story

I returned to my Uro on 8 June for the results of the biopsies I had taken in mid May and I have to say the pathology report and the Uro interpretation has confused me even further. They both say the pathology is inconclusive and I have to have more biopsies taken under GA in […]

My Story

Have now started taking Selinium 26mcg per day as I have been told this might have some CA preventative qualities see I tried to get some advice on this product through here but nobody has replied so far. Waiting patiently for my biopsy results which I get on 8 June. Fingers crossed for an […]

My Story

I am newly diagnosed with Bladder CA albeit low grade although I don’t know much about the grading. I have learned heaps already by reading tales from the trenches and lots of background info on this site. I had bowel CA 10 years ago which was cured by surgery and chemo with no recurrences to […]