External Bag vs. Neo-Bladder Surgery July 24 2009

Last month they took a tumor via/scope from my bladder. After (the biopsy,and ct scan) I was told bladder and prostate must go, this was verified with an oncologist Friday.
My big question has anyone had this dillema, my urologist advises the bag instead of the Neo-Bladder (from what I have read there are pros and cons on both).
A little info on me:
56 year young Marine Vet-minimal Viet-Nam, about 7 months in Thailand @ the Rose Garden.
Married having raised 3 daughters, with 2 daughters at home, 13 and 10 years old.
Hopefully returning to my construction job.
My surgery is scheduled for July 24 and am currently on Medical leave from work. Any help Ya'll can giveabout this

Long Scarey Journey and Battle We Have Embarked Upon

will be greatly appreciated by me and my Family.