Muscle invasive TCC grade II-III/III with CIS T2N0

Muscle invasive TCC grade II-III/III with CIS T2N0M0

I was diagnosed with muscle invasive TCC in February 1995 after seeing a small amount of blood in my urine. I was 45 years old at the time. My urologist referred me to a Dr. Sagalowsky at the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. After several tests and additional biopsies we decided to do a RC with neobladder construction. My surgery was on 4/7/1995 and the final report was T2N0M0 grade II-III/III TCC. Recovery went well and I was back at work in 60 days after returning home. My neobladder has been very good and at times I forget that I have one.

Things were uneventful for the next 6 years until a tumor showed up on one of my regular IVPs. A ureterscope was done and Dr. Sagalowsky lasered the tumor in my left ureter. Follow up test 3 months latter showed more tumor and another ureterscope and laser surgery removed 2 small tumors at the same site in the left ureter. Another ureterscope 3 months latter in November 2001 showed no tumor and I go back for another IVP in May of 2002. The IVP in May 2002 was clean and I will now have a followup ureterscope in late August of 2002.

I continue to take it one day at a time and try to keep a positive attitude and hope that no more recurrences come along.

It has now been almost 2 years since my last ureter/renal pelvis tumor was removed by endoscopic laser surgery and all is going well. I just had my regular 6 month tests done this month and was given an all clear. If things remain clean at the next 6 month visit then I finally get to go back to yearly visits and testing. The neobladder, which is now 10 years old continues to work perfectly and I look forward to a cancer free life.

res0szxp Author