Thanks for the "lecture" Greg and no offence is taken to your wise words. I guess as a bowel cancer survivor of 10 years I am acutely aware of the need for regular checks and the benefit of these. After all it was a urine test, part of my regular bowel cancer checks that detected the bladder cancer in its early stages. For that I am thankful. I have vowed never to shirk out of my regular checks for the rest of my life. As for lifestyle change, well I did something about this 14 months ago when I moved home away from the city to a place I intend to retire to by the sea. My plan is to retire in May next year and concentrate on my 5 grand children, golf woodwork, gardening and fishing, as well as travel, if I can fit them all in. Your advice about persoanl well being is well made and this is probably the hardest one to maintain. I have vowed to improve my diet and have made big inroads in this regard. Exercise is a problem for me (Iam lazy… but I am trying to fix this by walking and will have a lot more free time for this when I retire….. I know that is a cop out but it is hard and I will make the effort so thanks heaps for the reminder.
Jeff 😕