TUR 12/20/03 showed one papillary and one CIS tumo

TUR 12/20/03 showed one papillary and one CIS tumor; repeat 3/4/04 also showed 1 papillary and 1 CIS.

December 15, started voiding something that looked like Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot; called GP immediately, gave sample and got referral to urologist. Continued to pass blood and some clots On Saturday 12/20 couldn’t void whento ER got catheter and TUR that PM. Uro said that he propably saw cance but wanted to wait for pathology. Pathology was positive for cancer in lining only. CAT scan 1/4/04 was nedgative for other organ involvement. Repeat TUR on 3/4 positive for 1 papillary and 1 high grade CIS tumor. Started BCG x6 on 4/5/04.

albrown Author