I have just undergone a major procedure which resulted in mysecond bladder reconstruction,i wasdiagnosed with bladder cancer in decemer at Bradford BRIwest Yorkshire ,the most amazing place to be treated – I tell you.
The orginal bladder reconsrutction occurred in 1999after my stoma after 32years of service simply failed .
Iam only38 now.
What iam saying is that yo ucan live with this conditon and i have lead awonderful life but being toldyou have the big "C" was a bit of abind and i thought here we go agin,wasacase of buy on bladder get one free.
Myward was full of eldery genlemen worrying about stomas and i had to say i was the expert and you wll be fine .But i cant find any one who has had a lifetime of this " stuff" and it goes on. Britian is a wonderfull country anddo not knok the NHSit is free and100% dedicated to the patient . Ithinkmanyof you rreading thiswill be from across the pond i wish you well.
Once i went to a stoma support group and they thought i wasthe visitng surgeon which i though was rather amusing .
I have neve been on a forum before and never really shared this part of mylife but do reply , life can return to normall and i should know
George – Yorkshire ,England