Advanced bladder cancer
My name is Geoff I am 51 and live in Birmingham, England.
I have just found the messages on the Cancer Web Cafe.
I started passing blood in my urine about the 20th June. I do not smoke and never had any serious illness. However I have had diesel fuel spashed over my skin on numerous occasions!!!!!!!! in the army. only other chemicals I have come into regular contact with are Thinners vapour.
I went straight to my doctor (within the hour) he made arrangements for x-ray and scan at the local hospital. When my appointment came it had a wait of 8 weeks for the x-ray and scan. By phoning the hospital I got this brought forward by 2 weeks.
(The doctor on my second visit said that I should have been seen within 10 days. he also said that I should contact my M.P.(Member of Parliament)if I did not get a surgery appointment fast.
On the first appointment I was told that my left kidney could not be found on x-ray, the ultra sound scan found it! it seemed to be blocked. I was told that the problem was in the bladder.
On the second visit for the Cystoscopy of the bladder.
This showed the little red spots where the cancer was on the left side near to the kidney entrance.
The doctor said that it was advanced, but to what stage ?
I have to have a CT Scan Monday to find the extent of the damage and to see if the kidney is also damaged…..
On the 19 Sept I go in for surgery to remove the cancer from the bladder (scraping) this will then be sent to the lab for tests.
Having read a number of the messages on this list at random I find that the left side and left kidney is a major factor in bladder cancer. Is there any real connection?