26 years old with low grade t.c.c.

I heaven't posted here in awhile so I decided to update my story.  In October of 2007 I found out that I was pregnant for the fourth time (oops)!  One of the first phone calls I made was to the urologist.  I was due for a scope in Dec but he felt we should wait […]

26 years old with low grade t.c.c.

I just had my one year all clear cysto yesterday!  We are going to continue with a cysto every three months for the next year.  The uro told me that I have about a 60% chance of reoccurance and less than a 20% chance that if the cancer comes back it would become invasive. For […]

26 years old with low grade t.c.c.

Here is my story.  I first saw blood in my urine when I was 20.  I was treated for a UTI and the bleeding stopped.  I continued to get re-occurent bladder infections for the following five years.  I am not sure if I ever had infections now or not.  In April of ’06 I had […]

depth of biopsy

HI I was looking over my pathology and I noticed in the macroscopic descprition the last sentence reads No stromal invasion is seen and no muslaris propria is seen on the slide.  Can the URO and Pathologist accurately make the statement that the tumor is not invasive if no muscle is seen?  Would the tumor […]