My Transitional Cell Kidney Cancer: Diagnosis and Surgery

I started having sporadic episodes of  blood in the urine back in August 2009. The person on my physicians call-exchange alarmed me with "Sounds like bladder cancer." Not what you want to hear. I went to the ER, and had a CT scan that showed nothing really out of the ordinary. The diagnosis was probable […]

A chat with the oncologist

My consult with the oncologist was another bracing experience. My urologists had said they thought it was doubtful that post-op chemo would be recommended to clear up any stray cancer cells that may have escaped surgery, since the TCC seemed contained to the one kidney. By this time my own research had me pretty alarmed […]

My OHSU trip: not my funnest ever trip to P-Town!

My daughter accompanied me on the drive north to Portland for moral support, plus we could visit friends and family who live there. My wife had those days off, but Ithought she could use a break after the consult with the oncologist in Medford, which kind of blew her away.  The doctor at OHSU had […]