Story so far

Well Chemotherapy is over !!!!!!!!!!!!Its good and bad.I was supposed to have 6 cycles but was so ill last week after the first treatment of cycle five I had a much reduced second dose and they have discontinued therapy.It really is a relief I had to have my doctor or the nurse out every day […]

Story so far

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.Just a quick update really.We had a fantastic time full of family and friends food sparkly lights etc everything Christmas should be.I am feeling pretty good after my extra week off chemo but start again this afternoon blood counts allowing.It at least gives me hope that I […]

Story so far

19/12Things are going well and I am starting to feel better.The girls broke up from school today but Archie has two days left so we are going to do girlie things.I am hoping we can go shopping tomorrow and the bake on Thursday its a bit one day at a time though.My long suffering best […]

Story so far

Gosh I dont feel like an inspiration or any of the lovely kind things you say.I am just a very scared Mummy who wants her children to have a normal childhood.I try to keep happy and balanced through this mad time for them and some days I dont know wether I am on my hands […]

Story so far

13/12YippeeNo more hospital visists chemotherapy or anything until next year !!!Rough Badger and Arse describe exactley how I feel at the moment but with three weeks off hopefully I will  be well for Christmas and New Year.The symptom list is long and boring and a few more seem to join it with each cycle but […]

Story so far

I hope this helps someone.I am 41.In May I thought I had my first ever dose of cystitis I congratulated myself on never having it before and being a pharmaceutical rep instead of going to my Gp or pharmacy for treatment pinched samples from a fellow rep to treat it.It didnt work and two weeks […]