1st November – "No Abnormalities Found" Wonderful news. I am on to a maintenance regime now but they are not sure what period that is to be as best practise is under review.
1st November – "No Abnormalities Found" Wonderful news. I am on to a maintenance regime now but they are not sure what period that is to be as best practise is under review.
I had my operation (their words not mine) taking biopsies on Monday 1st October and got out yesterday (2nd). The visual looks good and there is a pink patch which looks to the experts as if it is a reaction to the BCG and nothing sinister. This is obviously great news and in three weeks […]
Well what do you know – the small areas they took away were precancerous and the remainder was cancer free. I start back on 6 BCGs next Monday. That is brilliant news and it has taken two weeks to sink in properly. Again, I’m keeping the blog going to show that life is beginning to […]
I just had my cystoscopy on the 11th April. I was delayed – they found my Blood Pressure was too high and so that was treated. It looks like good news. A very small area which was was cut out and cauterized and then the magic words – "the rest of the bladder looks […]
Hello Joe and thank you for your reply. I am glad you like the blog, I try to show as much as I can about what I am going through and hope that someone looks at it and realises that the emotions and the day-to-day are (I hope) normal and that you can get on […]
I was diagnosed in July of 2006 and have had two TURBT and I’ve just finished 6 BCG instillations. I’m waiting until March 2007 when I’ll have biopsies and results. After the first operation I sent out e-mails to my friends and one of them suggested that I start putting these messages and thoughts into […]