Atyp Bladder/Vaginal Clear Cell Cancer cT4N2M0

Update – 4/13/06 1) got the final path reports back… a total of 6 lymph nodes were metastasized, 4 microscopically, out of the 25 resected from the pelvic and abdominal areas.  all margins were good. 2) A FDG-PET scan is slated for next week, and if that is clear, then chemo (Taxol and CarboPlatin) will […]

Atyp Bladder/Vaginal Clear Cell Cancer cT4N2M0

My wife (45 year old F, 3 children vaginally delivered, last in 1988, 2003 Hysterectomy for prolapsed uterus, fibroids and dysplasia)  was diagnosed last week with an approx 3cm tumor that through biospy as a Clear Cell Carcinoma of the bladder and now invaded the vagina.   Painful, frequent and low volume urination was the […]