5 years treating for overactive bladder; and t

AUGUST 2, 2006 Wanted to let everyone (or anyone?? reading this) that I completed about 12 sessions of chemotherapy the end of April 2006 – I was scheduled for bladder and prostate removal on June 26, 2006. But I was told by the surgeon that he would do the removal ONLY IF he saw an […]

5 years treating for overactive bladder; and t

It is now the end of March 2006 and I have been getting my chemo (gemzar and cisplatin) treatment since the beginning of February. The oncologist would like 16 sessions of chemo; however, my blood count – both white and red and now platelets – has caused postponement on at least 2 occasions. My oncologist […]

5 years treating for overactive bladder; and then

5 years treating for overactive bladder; and then October 2005 Bladder Cancer; grade 3; stage T-1; multi-focal I was being treated for over-active bladder for about five years by a urologist. The weekend of 9/23/05 I noticed blood in my urine; I immediately phoned my urologist who saw me in his office that Tuesday. On […]