Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Hi everyone, thank you all for caring. Joes lymphoma is stage two , confined to the groin area, He had his first chemo mon and is very tired , tonight he threw up for the first time, so now I guess it will be about getting into a new way of living for awhile.    […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Tomorrow we go back to the hospital for the first chemo treatment, they are going to keep him because they expect the tumor to die off fast and they have to make sure it doesn't ruin his kidneys. He told me to go skiing today as it was […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Hi everyone, thank you for all your kindness, I took my husband back to the hospital the next day and they put the port in. I was doing pretty good then I caught the creeping crud in the hospital and ended up pretty sick.    I guess just having my own tur done and then […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Hi everyone ,thanks for the good thoughts. It is diffuse large cell b type. They are doing a pet scan and bone marrow next week to find out more about the lymphoma.  The oncologist had a fellowship in bone marrow transplantation at John Hopkins so she has to be on the ball I guess . […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

    Hi everyone,  Thanks for the quotes the mother t one gave me a chuckle.  It is lymphoma, now they just have to figure out what kind . The leg is really swollen and the worst part is not having the time to do any research  (because it is acute) to find out where […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Just when you get the rug back under your feet it gets jerked back out!!! My husband had a mole taken off his upper thigh , it got alittle infected so the Dr gave him antibiotics to help it. He is now in the hospital with a blood clot in his lung. The scat scan […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

  Hi everyone,  Well I got my path report back today, it said:    Papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential. So in plain english I guess it means even though I have had a recure I won,t have to do the bcg. I have a feeling if I ever have to do the bcg […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Now for the surgery part. Dr. Schoenberg went in after fluffy,(for those of you that don't know that's what I call the b.c.) and then I woke up in the recovery room knocked for a lope! They said they we're going to make sure I didn't crawl off the table, lol. I think I am […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Hi everyone , Well I went to John Hopkins yesterday for my preop talk, I told them that I have a habit of trying to get off the table and leave if I am not knocked out enough !( I guess thats my hiking part kickking in Rosemary !! lol ) They assured me they […]

Story of bladder cancer odessy by Rocky

Hi everyone I am trying to update my story so I am sorry ahead of time if I'm not doing it right.  Well I have been skiing alot trying to stay in shape and waiting to go to my 6 week  check up .And guess what ? when I got there they told me it […]