One Year NED

Well, I am happy to report that last month I (officially) reached the one year landmark for being NED. I had TCC of the renal pelvis and upper ureter (high grade and CIS) – T2N0M0 and I had a right radical nephroureterectomy on 21st April 2009. I am hoping for many more years of NED!

Cytology Results

I got the results back of my cytology and the urine has some abnormal cells, although the oncologist says that these are single cells, the count is low and thus it doesn't necessarily mean a tumour. I must have another cytology next week to see if the count is increasing, which would tend to indicate […]

The Positives of my Cancer Experience

At our family Christmas gathering, we all gave small speeches. This was mine and looked at the positives of my cancer experience.    I am going to relate to you all tonight something about my cancer experience. Experience can be defined as the accumulation of knowledge that results from direct participation in events or activities. […]

Renal Pelvis TCC T2N0M0 Grade 3

I am a 43 year old male recently diagnosed with Transitional Cell Carcinmoa of the Renal Pelvis and Carcinoma in-situ of the upper ureter. I have just had the results of my first cystoscopy three months after my radical nephrectomy – they were clear. The surgery was on the 21st of April. Over the last […]