Bladder Cancer
It's been a while since I've posted to the cafe…just didn't seem as if I had much to offer. It was quite a shock seeing the tumor at my five year clear cysto..not at all what I wanted, by the way. And now to have another one is almost unbelievable. Here is a short history.
10/7/099: TURBT, …not all of tumor removed
10/14/99 TURBT: …not all of tumor removed
11/04/99: TURBT, …T-1, G-II
12/2/99: BCG weekly x 6 weeks
3/6/00 TURBT …T-1, G-II
4/6/00 BCG weekly x 6 weeks
Cysto’s every three months for two years, and every six months until year 5.
5/30/01 Aortic Aneurysm Repair
12/23/03: Coronary Artery Disease
Cardiac Stent put in…
4/21/05: TURBT, U of Chicago….T-1, G-III
5/27/05: BCG weekly x 6 weeks
6/22/05 Another Cardiac Stent,
8/16/05 Cysto, another bladder tumor.
Bladder removal scheduled for Sep 12, 2005
Now am in the process of trying to decide what type of surgery…Indiana Pouch or Neobladder.
Does anyone have any experience to offer?
On 9/12/05 I had a Radical Cystectomy. Pathology was pT3a, NO, MX. Am recovering nicely from this. Am now continent between voidings and slowly adding time between voidings.