Bladder Cancer T1,Grade II

Bladder Cancer T1,Grade II

February 1999, noticed urine was dark in color…thought it was due to too much coffee, or not drinking enough water…just ignored it. Noticed it several times more and didn't think too much about it.

In October, when I went to my internist for my annual physical the urine was dark in the morning, and I happened to mention it to her.

The next thing I knew I was in the lab for a urine specimen…the urine was dark brown! I was horrified. I was scheduled for a pelvic ultrasound the next day, and an appointment with a urologist.

Lots of tests,…then a TUR at the outpatient clinic was scheduled for Oct 7th, 1999. The doctor looked and took pictures..he wanted to have me in the hospital as there were two areas thet needed to be removed.

Oct 14th, 1999, TUR at our local medical center. Local urologist felt he couldn't remove all the areas involved. Recommended I go to a major medical center.

On to the University of Chicago Medical Centers. TUR Nov 4th, 1999. Doctor felt all cancer had been removed. Started 6 week BCG treatments Dec. 2nd, 1999.
No side effects with these, by the way.

Mar 1, 2000, cysto…another area of cancer found. Mar 6, 2000, Another TUR…cancer removed, same type and grade.

April 6, 1999, start another round of BCG. Had lots of problems with these…had them on Thursdays, and lots of bladder spasms, nausea and vomiting over the weekends.

Clear cystos July and October, 2000. Next cysto Jan, 2001. And had another clear cysto…this is so fine. Watching the moniter, the bladder looked even more healthy than the last cysto. My doctor was pleased.

March, 2001,I now have one year free from the cancer coming back.

April 19, 2001 Going for cysto…surprise, three areas of growth seen. This a quite a shock. But, another major problem in in the picture. An aortic aneurysm has grown to 5cm. My urologist says as the bladder growths are very, very small, it's more important to repair the aneurysm. Referred to vascular surgeon. Doctor's office called and said cytology washings were negative.

May 26, 2001 After lots of tests….scheduled for open aortic aneurysm repair on May 30, 2001. Will recheck bladder growths in July after surgery…and so the story goes on.

July 18, 2001 Cysto….the bladder is reddened but no growths are seen. Will recheck in three months. Am recovering from the aneurysm repair.

July 27, 2001 Dr's office called, Cytology washings were negative.

October, 19, 2001 Cysto, all clear…also cytology washings were negative.