Bladder tumor found growing into lamina propria wi

Bladder tumor found growing into lamina propria with CIS in rest of bladder. Grade I or II of III.

I was diagnosed with bladder cancer at age 35 in 1994. I had blood in the urine and could actually feel the tumor for some reason. My doctors cannot understand this. I had a TURBT with multiple biopsies and was found to have CIS and the tumor was growing into the lamina propria. Cystectomy was advised. I refused at that point opting for BCG, Mitomycin C and Adriamycin. I am also a patient at UCLA Med Ctr but have not been back in a few years as my last two biopsies show dysplasia only. Most recently, lab tests (cytologies, NMP-22 with BTA TRAK) have been negative except for the BTA which showed 59. The normal is under 14 so my doctor is very concerned. I am due to go back for more biopsies with possible checking of the ureters and kidneys. I’m not sure what to expect there. The only tests I have gone through recently are CT scans and the lab tests, with cystoscopy every three months.


Update, 1-01

In July, 2000, I had biopsies with retrograde pyelogram which showed dysplasia once again. We were relieved but my doctor sent me back to UCLA again with my pathology slides to get their opinion. They determined that I had CIS (carcinoma in situ) once again. Not a good thing. I am at the present time undergoing Interferon treatments and will have more biopsies in February to see how the treatments did. Then possibly Interferon treatments once a month for a year. Still no tumor regrowth since the first diagnosis.

Catwoman Author