Invasive bladder cancer

Invasive bladder cancer

11/3/05 Just had my second 3month check up with CT scan and cystoscopy. No sign of cancer in my bladder or nearby areas. It hasn’t been fun but for me, this was the right decision.

5/2/05 My oncologist said I no longer needed chemotherapy and my urologist reported a clean bladder for the second time. Periodic tests to follow but YIPEE!

After hearing all the “and by the ways” of surgery, I decided I had a great life and would finally retire, kiss my lover goodby and move on. Surgery was not an option for me.

Luckily I was put in touch with Dr Schao and Dr Patton at NW Cancer Specialits. We did a new trial, (July,2004) with 8 weeks of radiation and twice a week chemo using gem… and cistplatin. It was not fun. Two weeks to heal and now 3 months of systemic treatment with the same drugs every other week.

Bottom Line: if this works, other women will have an option. It’s all worth it.

This site has been inspiring and a valuable source of information. Thank you!

January 19, 2005, my first cystoscopy since treatment began and no sign of cancer! I finish chemo the end of February and then a CAT and cystoscopy in April. I am very hopeful.

My hair finally began to leave me in January to the point that I’m now wearing a wig but everyone thinks I have a new and attractive hairstyle.

I could never have made it this far without the support, love and prayers of dozens of good people. I am a very lucky lady!

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