I checked into the Oncology ward for the second round of chemo. Firstly they hydrated my system with IV fluids for four hours.
Then I had the IV anti sickness medicine Emend 80mg and Dexamethason 6mg for another 15 minutes also followed up with a 15 minute IV cleanse.
The Cisplatinum chemo was administered over 3 hours through the IV also finishing with a 15 minutes cleanse.
Then I had IV fluid once more for two hours and then the anti sickness meds were repeated for 15 minutes followed by the cleanse.
After this process had been completed my system was flushed with IV fluids the whole night to protect my kidneys from damaging because of the effect of the Cisplatinum chemo.
I tolerated this chemo very well and had only a slight headache and light headiness. Walking to the toilet every 30 minutes was taking it out on me a little especially through the night as I only had cat naps and my neighbour sharing my room was snoring all night long. So I do feel tired but put this down to sleep deprivation so I am off to my bed for a few hours so I have a bit more energy for this evening…..
The battle goes on……