My Bladder Cancer Journey Blog

I had my operation (their words not mine) taking biopsies on Monday 1st October and got out yesterday (2nd).  The visual looks good and there is a pink patch which looks to the experts as if it is a reaction to the BCG and nothing sinister.

This is obviously great news and in three weeks time I will get the lab results and the next steps which I hope will be to go on to a maintenance regime of BCG and regular scopes under a local not a general.

I am continuing writing my blog which is coming up to one year old now.  Whilst it is perhaps getting a little mundane or even ordinary now it still contains lots of the original fears and worries and some of the horror of the experience.  It is now good to look back on it to see how much I have improved and how I have managed to work my way through some of the "bagagge" that comes with BC.

Ferdi1 Author