Hi I am from the UK and my Dad has undergone a huge operation just over a week ago. He was (finally) diagnosed with cancer of the ureter and kidney in November after several tests which began in July. He was taken into hospital in January to have his left kidney and ureter removed only for them to discover that it had travelled to his bladder. Due to Dad having had radiation treatment in his forties, they could not use any other option other than to completley remove his bladder. So last Monday 11th April, two teams of surgeons removed all three (bladder, kidney and ureter) along with his prostrate and part of his small bowel (to make the stoma).
First two days Dad was doing fine. However he has had not so good days since. His wound is infected and he still can't eat. He is on two sets of anti-biotics -one for a chest infection and the other for his wound. They are testing the discharge to establish what the bacteria is in order to ensure they are giving him the right medicines. He is so so poorly. I just wondered whether this is normal? Some days he seems worse than day one and two of the operation. Any thoughts?