Our story

I found this web forum which I think its a great place where to share our concerns about bladder cancer. We are both argentines, living in Argentina. My husband, Carlos, now 57, was diagnosed with bc five years ago, very low grade and superficial (excuse my english). After many recurances and resecctions we are still fighting this battle. He was under BCG instilations but with no success except that it didnt change the pathology. After the last TUR his urologist recomended to change to Mytomicin. He had his check up done today and it came out with only three very little tumors, which were removed,  same pathology as before, but for us it was very encouraging not to have so many as before. The urologist was very happy to and its confident that the new medications is doing its job so in a week or so he will have another four more instilations with Mytomicin (one every 2 weeks)  and hope the next check up is negative for new tumors. As for experience I can tell everyone who is undergoing through the stress of this illness is that we havent change our way of life. We keep enjoying golf, outings and sex as we did before (except we have to wait for 2 weeks after surgery to have a "lovers night"""). Just wanted to share it with you all and thank you for being there. Somebody mentioned green tea as a non traditional medicine which helps to clear the cancer cells???.
Now Im rushing to spend the afternoon with my husband who will be at the hospital until tomorrow. Im sure he is waiting for me, specially since I`ll  take some sweets and cakes to cheer him up.
He is being treated at the German Hospital here in Buenos Aires, almost our second home, but thanks God, its one of the best private Hospitals and everything is covered by our private medical care.
Hope to hear from you.

mbbd Author