papillary tumor – carcinoma stage 2
August 2004 – Finished 6 weeks of BCG in June. Have another cystoscopy on August 30th, and maintenance treatment in the fall. I am hoping for a clean scope.
Have you ever heard of someone under 30 being diagnosed??
Had blood in the urine off and on. Never had bladder infections before but I was told by doctors that this (the blood) was a symptom of an infection. I had no other infection symptoms such as burning etc…just the bleeding. Finally, I had an ultrasound which showed a growth of some kind. I specifically asked (my GP) if it could be cancer, the doctor replyed…”Bladder cancer in someone your age is unheard of”. In the meantime I waited to see a urologist, who told me that there is always a possibility. Sure enough – it was. 6 weeks ago I had a cysto with a TURB. Two days ago I had a follow up and will begin the BCG treatment in about 4 weeks time. My nerves are a little teathered but I have a good urologist. Fingers crossed.