
These references date back fto the beginning of this website, put online in June 1999 by Wendy Sheridan. There have since been many updates within the pages of this site, with new references appearing on each individual page as the information is added.

About bladder cancer

Ta, T1 Bladder Cancer: What Can We Learn From EORTC Trials? APM van der Meijden Department of Urology, Bosch Medicentrym, Den Bosch, The Netherlands

2. Memorial Sloan Kettering website;

3. Bladder carcinoma as a systemic disease. Prout GR Jr, Griffin PP, Shipley WU:  Cancer 1979;43:2532-2539. As reviewed by Michael J. Droller, M.D; CA Cancer J Clin 1998;48:269-284
Bladder Cancer: State of the Art Care Michael J Droller, M.D.

4. Management of Upper Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma Peter E. Clark, M.D. Stevan B. Streem, M.D. Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Department of Urology Cleveland Ohio

5. As reviewed by Dr. DL Lamm and Dr. Frank M. Torti Bladder Cancer 1996



Staging and grading

1. A proposed simplified staging system of invasive bladder tumors. Herr HW
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.
Urol Int 1993;50(1):17-20
PMID: 8434421 UI: 93166596

2. Ta, T1 Bladder Cancer: What Can We Learn From EORTC Trials? APM van der Meijden
Department of Urology, Bosch Medicentrym, Den Bosch, The Netherlands Urology International

3. Results of radical cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and the effect of chemotherapy.
Soloway MS; Lopez AE; Patel J; Lu Y Department of Urology, University of Miami School of Medicine, Florida. Cancer 1994 Apr 1;73(7):1926-31
PMID: 8137219 UI: 94184931

Diagnostic procedures

1. Evaluation of new resectoscope loop for transurethral resection of bladder tumors. Herr HW; Reuter VE
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York, USA.
J Urol 1998 Jun;159(6):2067-8  PMID: 9598520 UI: 98258467

2. Transitional Cell Carcimoma of the Bladder: Back to Basics Dr. Ken Grigor MD, FRCPathSenior Lecturer and Consultant Pathologist, Edinburgh University and Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.Chairman of the Scottish Urological Oncology Group. Special Feature; Urology News Online Vol.1/4:

3. Superficial bladder cancer: Progression and recurrence. Heney, N.M., Ahmed, S., Flanagan, M.J., et al J Urol 1983; 130:1083-1086 as reviewed by Drs. Emmanuel Schenkman, M.D. and Donald L. Lamm, M.D.; Bladder Cancer Therapy

Non Muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer

1. References as reviewed  in Bladder Cancer: State of the Art Care by Michael J. Droller, M.D; CA Cancer J Clin 1998;48:269-284

Bladder carcinoma as a systemic disease. Cancer 1979;43:2532-2539. Prout GR Jr, Griffin PP, Shipley WU:

Treated history of noninvasive grade 1 transitional cell carcinoma:Prout GR Jr, Barton BA, Griffin PP, et al: The National
Bladder Cancer Group. J Urol 1992;148:1413-1419.

The pT1 G3 bladder tumour Birch BR, Harland SJ:. Br J Urol 1986;64:109-116.
Professor G. Steineck, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, unpublished data.

2. Carcinoma in situ DL Lamm Department of Urology, West Virginia University Health Sciences Center, Morgantown. Urol
Clin North Am 1992 Aug;19(3):499-508 PMID: 1636234 UI: 92343122


4. Pathobiology of Preinvasive Urothelial Neoplasia Author: Jose I. Diaz, MD, Pathology Service, H. Lee Moffitt CancerCenter & Research Institute [Cancer Control: JMCC 3(6):552-556, 1996. © 1996 Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute] full article can be found at

5. Carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder: clues to host involvement in human carcinogenesis. Orozco RE, Martin AA,Murphy WM. Department of Pathology, University of Tennessee, Memphis. Cancer. 1994;74:115-122. PMID: 8004567 UI: 94273074

6. Bladder Cancer Therapy  References as reviewed by Drs.
Emmanuel Schenkman, M.D. and Donald L. Lamm, M.D.

Superficial bladder cancer: Progression and recurrence. Heney, N.M., Ahmed, S., Flanagan, M.J., et al J Urol 1983;

Natural history of bladder cancer. Bostwick, D.G.: J Cell Biochem., 1992;161:31-38. (29%)

Carcinoma in situ (review) D.L.Lamm Urol Clin North Amer. 1992; 19:499-508

7. Pussycats and baby tigers: non-invasive (pTa) and minimally invasive (pT1) bladder carcinomas are not the same!
G.Sauter; MJ Mihatsch J Pathol 1998 Aug;185(4):339-41  PMID: 9828830 UI: 99046270

8. Transitional Cell Papilloma: Revisiting An Old Concept
William M. Murphy Department of pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine,
University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Fla. USA

9. Maintenance BCG immunotherapy of superficial bladder cancer: A randomized prospective Southwest Oncology Group
Study (meeting abstract). Lamm DL, Crawford ED, Blumenstein B, et al: Proc Annu Meet Am Soc Clin Oncol 1992;11:A627. Abstract.

Intravesical chemotherapy

1. Congress held in Turkey in 1996, Dr. A. van der Meijden from the Netherlands reviewed "Future of Urological Oncology in Clinical and Basic Research through European Collaboration www.uroweb.nl  European Urology Today: Volume 7, no.2 June 1997

2. A combined analysis of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, and Medical Research Council randomized clinical trials for the prophylactic treatment of stage TaT1 bladder cancer. European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Genitourinary Tract Cancer Cooperative Group and the Medical Research Council Working Party on Superficial Bladder Cancer Pawinski A; Sylvester R; Kurth KH; Bouffioux C; van der Meijden A; Parmar MK; Bijnens L Department of Urology, Memorial Cancer Center, Warsaw, Poland. J Urol 1996 Dec;156(6):1934-40, discussion 1940-1 PMID: 8911360 UI: 97068032

3. Intravesical chemotherapy and immunotherapy: How do we assess their effectiveness and what are their limitations and uses? Lamm DL, van der Meijden AP, Akaza H, et al Int J Urol 1995;2(Suppl 2):23-35.

4. Influence of thiotepa and doxorubicin instillation at time of transurethral surgical treatment of bladder cancer on tumor recurrence: A prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Zincke H, Utz DC, Taylor WF, et al J Urol 1983;129:505-509. PMID: 6403716 UI: 83164505

5. Mitomycin C in multiple superficial bladder tumors: short-term therapy, long-term results. Milani C; Bassi P; Meneghini A; Garbeglio A; Zattoni F; Piazza N; Maruzzi D; Drago-Ferrante GL; Pagano F Institute of Urology, Monoblocco Hospital, Padova, Italy Urol Int 1992;48(2):154-6 PMID: 1585510 UI: 92263601.

6. Mitomycin-C in superficial bladder cancer. Is long-term maintenance therapy worthwhile after initial treatment? Hamdy FC; Hastie KJ; Kerry R; Williams JL Department of Urology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield Br J Urol 1993 Feb;71(2):183-6 PMID: 8461952 UI: 93214763

7. Valstar  Physician’s Weekly

8. Intravesical epirubicin versus doxorubicin for superficial bladder tumors (stages pTa and pT1): a randomized prospective study. Ali-el-Dein B; el-Baz M; Aly AN; Shamaa S; Ashamallah A. Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt J Urol 1997 Jul;158(1):68-73; discussion 73-4PMID: 9186325 UI: 97329866
Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Jakse on : www.Uroweb.nl

9. Adjuvant chemotherapy of superficial transitional cell carcinoma: an E.O.R.T.C. randomized trail comparing doxorubicin hydrochloride, ethoglucid and TUR-alone. Kurth KH; Debruyne FJ; Senge T; Carpentier PJ; Riedl H; Sylvester R; de Pauw M  Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;185B:135-42 PMID: 3898138 UI: 85298556
In Schröder FH, Richards B (eds): EORTC Genitourinary Group Monograph 2, Part B: Superficial Bladder Tumors. New York, Alan R Liss, 1985, pp 135
As reviewed in the article: Intravesical Therapy for Superficial Bladder Cancer Ashish M. Kamat, MD, Donald L. Lamm, MD West Virginia School of Medicine, Morgantown, W. Va. March, 1999 (From "Infections in Urology)

Additional Source; Bladder Cancer Therapy Emmanuel Schenkman, M.D. and Donald L. Lamm, M.D. Schenkman and Lamm’s review of the latest statistics and treatments for management of superficial bladder cancer in the Digital Urology Journal (year?)



1. Intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin induces the antiangiogenic chemokine interferon-inducible protein 10.  Poppas DP; Pavlovich CP; Folkman J; Voest EE; Chen X; Luster AD; O’Donnell MA Department of Surgery, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.Urology 1998 Aug;52(2):268-75; discussion 275-6  PMID: 9697793 UI: 98361258

2. Long-term results of intravesical therapy for superficial bladder cancer Lamm DL Department of Urology, West Virginia University Health Sciences Center, Morgantown. Urol Clin North Am 1992 Aug;19(3):573-80 PMID: 1636241 UI: 92343130

3. Maintenance BCG immunotherapy of superficial bladder cancer: A randomized prospective Southwest Oncology Group Study (meeting abstract).  Lamm DL, Crawford ED, Blumenstein B, et al:Proc Annu Meet Am Soc Clin Oncol 1992;11:A627. Abstract

4. Long-term follow-up of an EORTC randomized prospective trial comparing intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin-RIVM and mitomycin C in superficial bladder cancer. EORTC GU Group and the Dutch South East Cooperative Urological Group. European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Collaborative Group.Witjes JA; v. d. Meijden AP; Sylvester LC; Debruyne FM; van Aubel A; Witjes WP Department of Urology, University Hospital, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.Urology 1998 Sep;52(3):403-10 PMID: 9730451 UI: 98398219

5. Future of Urological Oncology in Clinical and Basic Research through European Collaboration  Congress held in Turkey in 1996, a talk by Dr. A. van der Meijden from the Netherlands

6. Complications of bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy. (Review) Lamm DL  Urol Clin North Am 1992; 19:565-572. PMID: 1636240 UI: 92343129

7. Local toxicity patterns associated with intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin: A Southwest Oncology Group Study. Berry D.L., Blumenstein B.A., Magyary D.L., Berry DL; Lamm DL; Crawford ED Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems, University of Washington, Seattle Int J Urol 1995;2 PMID: 8689518 UI: 96253590

References 6 and 7 as reviewed by Drs. Emmanuel Schenkman, M.D. and Donald L. Lamm, M.D.; Bladder Cancer Therapy

8. Complications of bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination and immunotherapy and their management.
J Grange; Commun Dis Public Health. 1998 Jun;1PMID: 9644119 UI: 98299079

9. Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy for superficial bladder cancer: effect of bacillus Calmette-Guerin viability on treatment results.Kelley DR; Ratliff TL; Catalona WJ; Shapiro A; Lage JM; Bauer WC; Haaff EO; Dresner SM J Urol 1985 Jul;134(1):48-53
PMID: 3892051 UI: 85237760

10. The effect of lubricants on viability of bacillus Calmette-Guerin for intravesical immunotherapy against bladder carcinoma.  Department of Urology, Medical University of Lubeck, Germany. Bohle A; Rusch-Gerdes S; Ulmer AJ; Braasch H; Jocham DJ Urol 1996 Jun;155(6):1892-6
PMID: 8618281 UI: 96212478

11. NCI/PDQ physicians statement


1. Alpha-interferon in superficial bladder cancer: a Northern California Oncology Group Study. Torti FM; Shortliffe LD; Williams RD; Pitts WC; Kempson RL; Ross JC; Palmer J; Meyers F; Ferrari M; Hannigan J; et al
Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA
J Clin Oncol 1988 Mar;6(3):476-83 PMID: 3280742 UI: 88171626

2. A randomized controlled study of intravesical alpha-2b-interferon in carcinoma in situ of the bladder. Glashan RW: Department of Urology, Royal Infirmary, Huddersfield, United Kingdom.J Urol 1990;144:658-661. PMID: 2201795 UI: 90355290

3. Superficial bladder cancer: the role of interferon-alpha published erratum appears in J Urol 1998 Oct;160(4):1444]
Belldegrun AS; Franklin JR; O’Donnell MA; Gomella LG; Klein E; Neri R; Nseyo UO; Ratliff TL; Williams RD
Division of Urologic Oncology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA.
J Urol 1998 Jun;159(6):1793-801 PMID: 9598463 UI: 98258410

4. IFN-alpha 2B Enhances Th1 Cytokine Responses in Bladder Cancer Patients Receiving Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Immunotherapy Authors:LuoY; Chen X; Downs TM; DeWolf WC; O’DonnellMA Harvard Medical School, Boston PMID:0073521 UI: No Cit. ID assigned 3:98-101.

Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin

1. Immunotherapy in Bladder Cancer With Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin: A Randomized Study Carlos D. Jurincic, Udo Engelmann, Jorg Gasch, Karl F Klippel Department of Urology and Pathology General Hospital Celle and Department of Urology, University Mainz Fed. Rep. Germany J Urol 1988 Apr;139(4):723-6 PMID: 3127600 UI: 88172648

2. Immunologic Reduction for Bladder Cancer RecurrenceRates Olsson CA, Chute R, Rao CN  J Urol 1974 Feb;111(2):173-6
PMID: 4810758 UI: 74085192

3. Bladder Cancer Therapy Emmanuel Schenkman, M.D. and Donald L. Lamm, M.D. Schenkman and Lamm’s review of the latest statistics and treatments for management of superficial bladder cancer in the Digital Urology Journal

4. Keyhole limpet hemocyanin immunotherapy of murine bladder cancer. Lamm DL; DeHaven JI; Riggs DR; Delgra C; Burrell R
Department of Urology, West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown 26506.Urol Res 1993 Jan;21(1):33-7  PMID: 8456536 UI: 93206415

5. Editorial comment by DL Lamm, following article: Recurrent superficial transition cell carcinom of the bladdera: Adjuvant topical chemotherapy versus immunotherapy a prospective randomized trial Department of Urology, Wilhelminenspital, Hanuschkrankenhaus and Rudolfstiftung, Vienna, Austria  J Urol 1990 Aug;144(2 Pt 1):260-3PMID: 2197428 UI: 90325324

6. Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) immunontherapy of papillary and in situ transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. A multicenter phase I-II clinical trial. (Abstract) Lamm, L.D., Morales, A., Grossman, H.B., et al J Urol 1996;  155:A1405.

7. Keyhole-limpet hemocyanin immunotherapy in the bilharzial bladder: a new treatment modality? Phase II trial: superficial bladder cancer. Wishahi, M.M., Ismail, I.M., Rubben, H., Otto, T.: J Urol 1995; 153(3 Pt 2):926-928. PMID: 7853576 UI: 95156674


1. Oral bropirimine immunotherapy of bladder carcinoma in situ after prior intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin. Sarosdy MF; Manyak MJ; Sagalowsky AI; Belldegrun A; Benson MC; Bihrle W; Carroll PR; Ellis WJ; Hudson MA; Sharkey FE Department of Urology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA. Urology 1998 Feb;51(2):226-31 PMID: 9495702 UI: c

2. Bropirimine immunotherapy of upper urinary tract carcinoma in situ. Sarosdy, M.F., Pisters, L.L., Carroll, P.R., Benson, M.C., Moon, T.D., Lamm, D.L., Hudson, M.A., Lerner, S.P., Koch, M.O. and Schellhammer, P.F. Urol. 48: 28, 1996. PMID: 8693647 UI: 96305818

3. Bladder Cancer Therapy Emmanuel Schenkman, M.D. and Donald L. Lamm, M.D. Schenkman and Lamm’s review of the latest statistics and treatments for management of superficial bladder cancer in the Digital Urology Journal


1. : Scott Prahl , Oregon Medical Laser Center

2. Photodynamic Therapy Using Porfiner Sodium as an Alternative to Cystectomy in Patients with Refractory Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Situ of The Bladder Photofrin Study Group Nseyo UO; Shumaker B; Klein EA; Sutherland K
JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 1998 Jul;160(1):39-44 PMID: 9628601, UI: 98290565

3. Long term experience with photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the management of superficial vesical transitional cell carcinoma (SVTCC) (Meeting abstract). – Nseyo U; Lamm D; Riggs D; DeHaven J; Dougherty T; Porter W; Lundahl S; Merrill D WVU Medical School, Morgantown/Clarksburg, WV Proc Annu Meet Am Assoc Cancer Res 1997;38:A2524 UI – 98639524

4. Photodynamic Therapy Using Porfimer Sodium as an Alternative to Cystectomy in Patients with Refractory Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Situ of the BLadder. BLADDER PHOTOFRIN STUDY GROUP Nseyo UO; Shumaker B; Klein EA; Sutherland K JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 1998 Jul;160(1):39-44 PMID: 9628601, UI: 98290565

Combined  modalities

1. The status of bladder-preserving therapeutic strategies in the management of patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancerKoiso K; Shipley W; Keuppens F; Baert L; Hall R; Hudson MA; Khoury S; Kubota Y; Kubota Y; van Poppel H
University of Tsukuba Institute of Clinical Medicine, Department of Urology, Ibaraki, Japan.
Int J Urol 1995 Jun;2 Suppl 2:49-57 PMID: 7553305 UI: 96057767

2. Interval report of a phase I-II study utilizing multiple modalities in the treatment of invasive bladder cancer: A bladder-sparing trial. Prout GR Jr, Shipley WU, Kaufman DS, et al: Urol Clin North Am 1991;18:547-554.

3. Bladder-sparing approach in the treatment of invasive bladder cancer. Wajsman Z, Marino R, Parsons J, et al:Semin Urol 1990;8:210-215.

4. Invasive Bladder Cancer: Treatment Strategies Using Transurethral Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy with Selection for Bladder Conservation Kanady KE; Shipley WU; Zietman AL; Kaufman DS; Althausen AF; Heney NM Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston 02114, USA. Semin Surg Oncol 1997 Sep-Oct;13(5):35PMID: 9259092 UI: 97403767

5. Combined-Modality Therapy for Bladder Cancer McCaffrey JA, Bajorin DF, Scher HI, Bosl GJ Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY NY PMID:9330404 UI: 97471463 Onocology 11(9Suppl ():18-26, 1997 Sep

6. Treatment of infiltrating cancer of the bladder with cisplatin, fluorouracil, and concurrent radiotherapy: results of a pilot study Chauvet B; Felix-Faure C; Davin JL; Berger C; Vincent P; Reboul F
Clinique Sainte-Catherine, Avignon, France.
Cancer Radiother 1998 Apr;2 Suppl 1:77s-81s PMID: 9749084 UI: 98420908

7. Phase III trial of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with invasive bladder cancer treated with selective bladder preservation by combined radiation therapy and chemotherapy: initial results of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 89-03. Shipley WU; Winter KA; Kaufman DS; Lee WR; Heney NM; Tester WR; Donnelly BJ; Venner PM; Perez CA; Murray KJ; Doggett RS; True LD Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 02114, USA.
J Clin Oncol 1998 Nov;16(11):3576-83 PMID: 9817278 UI: 99032190

8. Combined Modality Treatment with Selective Bladder Conservation for Invasive Bladder Cancer: Long-Term Tolerance in the Female Patient Kachnic LA; Shipley WU; Griffin PP; Zietman AL; Kaufman DS; Althausen AF; Heney NM
Genitourinary Oncology Unit, Departments of Radiation
Oncology, Urology, and Medical Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Cancer J Sci Am 1996 Mar;2(2):79  PMID: 9166504 UI: No Cit. ID assigned

Against Bladder Sparing

1. Against Bladder Sparing: Surgery Montie, JE, J.Uol., 1999;162:452 University of Michigan

2. Durability of the tumor-free response for intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy.  Nadler, R. B., Catalona, W. J., Hudson, M. A. and Ratliff, T. L. J. Urol., 152: 367,1994.

3.The treated natural history of high risk superficial bladder cancer: 15-year outcome.  Cookson, M. S., Herr, H. W., Zhang, Z. F., Soloway, S., Sogani, P. C. and Fair, W. R.: J. Urol., 158: 62,1997.

4. Extravesical tumor relapse in patients with superficial bladder tumors. Herr, H. W.:J. Clin. Oncol., 16: 1099,1998.

5. Commentary at the end of article in reference #1; Harry W. Herr Urology Service, Department of Surgery Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, New York


1. 8th European Urological Winter Forum, Davos, Switzerland Feb.-21-25, 1999
Talk by Dr. Mundy, expert urologist from the UK, reviewed on by Drs.Volkan Ulker and Henk van der Poel


3. Treatment of bladder cancer with interstitial iridium-192 implantation and external beam irradiation. Straus KL; Littman P; Wein AJ; Whittington R; Tomaszewski JE Radiation Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1988 Feb;14(2):265-71PMID: 3338948 UI: 88114779

4. Organ-sparing treatment of advanced bladder cancer: a 10-year experience.
Dunst J; Sauer R; Schrott KM; Kuhn R; Wittekind C; Altendorf-Hofmann A
Department of Radiotherapy, University of Erlangen, Germany
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1994 Sep 30;30(2):261-6 PMID: 7928455 UI: 95013465

5. Contemporary results of radical radiotherapy for bladder transitional cell carcinoma in a district general hospital with cancer-centre status.
Bell CR; Lydon A; Kernick V; Hong A; Penn C; Pocock RD; Stott MA
Br J Urol 1999 Apr;83(6):613-618 PMID: 10233566 UI: No Cit. ID assigned

6. Good results of bladder-preserving treatment in poorly differentiated and invasive bladder carcinoma using interstitial Iridium-192 radiotherapy Moonen LM; Horenblas S; Pos F; Schaefer BS; Meinhardt W; Bartelink H Afd. Radiotherapie, Nederlands Kanker Instituut/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis, Amsterdam. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1996 Jul 6;140(27):1406-10 PMID: 8766684 UI: 96339152

7. Muscle invasive bladder cancer treated by transurethral resection, followed by external beam radiation and interstitial iridium-192.
Wijnmaalen A; Helle PA; Koper PC; Jansen PP; Hanssens PE; Boeken Kruger CG; van Putten WL Department of Radiation Oncology, Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997 Dec 1;39(5):1043-52 PMID: 9392543 UI: 98052436

8. The role of Ki67 proliferation assessment in predicting local control in bladder cancer patients treated by radical radiation therapy. Lara PC; Rey A; Santana C; Afonso JL; Diaz JM; Gonzalez GJ; Apolinario RDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Hospital Nuestra Senora del Pino, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Radiother Oncol 1998 Nov;49(2):163-7 PMID: 10052882 UI: 99160247

9. Apoptosis in carcinoma of the bladder: relation with radiation treatment results.Lara PC; Perez S; Rey A; Santana CDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Hospital Nuestra Senora del Pino, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 Mar 15;43(5):1015-9 PMID: 10192349 UI: 992065678

10. Apoptosis and downstaging after preoperative radiotherapy for muscle- invasive bladder cancer Chyle V; Pollack A; Czerniak B; Stephens LC; Zagars GK; Terry NH; Meyn RE Department of Radiotherapy, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 77030, USA. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1996 May 1;35(2):281-7 PMID: 8635934 UI: 96228841

11. Survival after radical treatment for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.
External beam radiation treatment of urinary bladder carcinoma. An analysis of results in 203 patients.Salminen EDepartment of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland.Acta Oncol 1990;29(7):909-14 PMID: 2261207 UI: 91084017

12. Survival after radical treatment for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder Daehlin L; Haukaas S; Maartmann-Moe H; Medby PC
Department of Surgery, University of Bergen, Norway.  Eur J Surg Oncol 1999 Feb;25(1):66-70
PMID: 10188858 UI: 99202741

13. Radical radiotherapy for muscle invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: failure analysis.Gospodarowicz MK; Hawkins NV; Rawlings GA; Connolly JG; Jewett MA; Thomas GM; Herman JG; Garrett PG; Chua T; Duncan W; et al Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada J Urol 1989 Dec;142(6):1448-53; discussion 1453-4 PMID: 2585617 UI: 90064839



3. Treatment of bladder cancer with interstitial iridium-192 implantation and external beam
irradiation. Straus KL; Littman P; Wein AJ; Whittington R; Tomaszewski JE Radiation Oncology
Branch, National Cancer Institute.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1988 Feb;14(2):265-71 PMID: 3338948 UI: 88114779

4. Organ-sparing treatment of advanced bladder cancer: a 10-year experience.
Dunst J; Sauer R; Schrott KM; Kuhn R; Wittekind C; Altendorf-Hofmann A
Department of Radiotherapy, University of Erlangen, Germany
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1994 Sep 30;30(2):261-6  PMID: 7928455 UI: 95013465

5. Contemporary results of radical radiotherapy for bladder transitional cell carcinoma in a
district general hospital with cancer-centre status.
Bell CR; Lydon A; Kernick V; Hong A; Penn C; Pocock RD; Stott MA
Br J Urol 1999 Apr;83(6):613-618 PMID: 10233566 UI: No Cit. ID assigned

6. Good results of bladder-preserving treatment in poorly differentiated and invasive bladder
carcinoma using interstitial Iridium-192 radiotherapy Moonen LM; Horenblas S; Pos F; Schaefer
BS; Meinhardt W; Bartelink H Afd. Radiotherapie, Nederlands Kanker Instituut/Antoni van
Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis, Amsterdam. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1996 Jul 6;140(27):1406-10 PMID:
8766684 UI: 96339152

7. Muscle invasive bladder cancer treated by transurethral resection, followed by external beam
radiation and interstitial iridium-192.
Wijnmaalen A; Helle PA; Koper PC; Jansen PP; Hanssens PE; Boeken Kruger CG; van Putten WL
Department of Radiation Oncology, Dr. Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1997 Dec 1;39(5):1043-52 PMID: 9392543 UI: 98052436

8. The role of Ki67 proliferation assessment in predicting local control in bladder cancer patients
treated by radical radiation therapy. Lara PC; Rey A; Santana C; Afonso JL; Diaz JM; Gonzalez GJ;
Apolinario R Department of Radiation Oncology, Hospital Nuestra Senora del Pino, Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria, Spain. Radiother Oncol 1998 Nov;49(2):163-7 PMID: 10052882 UI: 99160247
9. Apoptosis in carcinoma of the bladder: relation with radiation treatment results.Lara PC; Perez
S; Rey A; Santana CDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Hospital Nuestra Senora del Pino, Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1999 Mar 15;43(5):1015-9 PMID:
10192349 UI: 992065678

10. Apoptosis and downstaging after preoperative radiotherapy for muscle- invasive bladder
cancer Chyle V; Pollack A; Czerniak B; Stephens LC; Zagars GK; Terry NH; Meyn RE Department
of Radiotherapy, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 77030, USA. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1996 May 1;35(2):281-7 PMID: 8635934 UI: 96228841

11. Survival after radical treatment for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.
External beam radiation treatment of urinary bladder carcinoma. An analysis of results in 203
patients.Salminen EDepartment of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Helsinki University Central
Hospital, Finland.Acta Oncol 1990;29(7):909-14 PMID: 2261207 UI: 91084017
12. Survival after radical treatment for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder Daehlin L;
Haukaas S; Maartmann-Moe H; Medby PC
Department of Surgery, University of Bergen, Norway.  Eur J Surg Oncol 1999 Feb;25(1):66-70
PMID: 10188858 UI: 99202741

13. Radical radiotherapy for muscle invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: failure
analysis.Gospodarowicz MK; Hawkins NV; Rawlings GA; Connolly JG; Jewett MA; Thomas GM;
Herman JG; Garrett PG; Chua T; Duncan W; et al Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess
Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada J Urol 1989 Dec;142(6):1448-53; discussion 1453-4
PMID: 2585617 UI: 90064839

14. CANCER FACTS National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Valley Cancer Institute in California, holistic center using hyperthermia alone or combined with radiation and chemotherapy.

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5 Results of Phase I trial, data presented at the 33rd American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting. May 19, 1997 Medical News


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1.Cancer Prevention: the Roles of Diet and Chemo Prevention Peter Greenwald, MD, DrPH, Sharon S. McDonald, MS, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md (PG) and The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc, Gaithersburg, Md (SSM
Article also found on
Reproduced by Permission from Cancer Control: Journal of the Moffitt Cancer

2. Ethical Issues of Chemoprevention Clinical Trials Victor G. Vogel, MD, MHS, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa (VGV), Lisa S. Parker, PhD, Department of Human Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh (LSP) 4(2): 142-149, 1997. © 1997 Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute]
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1. Cancer Prevention: the Roles of Diet and Chemo Prevention Peter Greenwald, MD, DrPH, Sharon S. McDonald, MS, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md (PG) and The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc, Gaithersburg, Md (SSM
Article also found on
Reproduced by Permission from Cancer Control: Journal of the Moffitt Cancer