I finally made it through my 6 maintenance rounds with 3 postponements, and the last 3 BCG installations were 1/2 dose. I had my cysto on April 1st and was happy to learn that I was BC free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, again. ;D
I still have some BCG treatment side effects, and they are slowly getting better. Biggest problem now is still the instant urge to void without any warning and pain if I don't immediately void. My Uro said that while the bladder looked fine, he felt that I was still affected by the BCG. Next cysto in 3 mos. (39 more to go). 😮
Sure seemed like this last 8 mos. has been a fast blur now. But the thought of BC has been burned into my everyday thoughts, and will not go away at as long as I live.
Also, I've run out of my oncovite and am taking a similar vita~cocktail, that I think I will continue to take for a long time to come.