stage 3/4 invasive bladder cancer
hi my name is jeanette and i am writing this story for my dad he is 75 years young and was diagnoised with stage 3/4 invasive bladder cancer the night mare started when dad started to have blood in his urine after a cystoscopy and biopsy he was diagnoised. he went with the treatment of 6 weeks of chemo that was realatively mild with no side effect until 2 weeks after completion of chemo then he had a heart attack caused by low blood counts from chemo. 8 weeks of radiation that caused massive burns. he also suffers from diabetes, stroke and has had a quad bypass to the heart which has ruled out the usual treatment of bladder removal. as of today 7/3/2004 he is still bleeding quite massively as he requires blood transfusions every three weeks as well as weekly i.v. iron transfusions,and procriet shots. he has no energy but through every thing he has been through he has been up beat and has a very good attitude. he still enjoys his grandchildren. even at 75 he is still teaching me that your attitude makes the difference. dad is due for another cystoscopy and biopsy in about 2 weeks so we will know more then.