I got my initial path reports today from 2006, initial diagnosis.
This is what I would have to describe as "pathology whiplash".
That is where you go from Point A to Point Z too quickly for your body and mind to catch up with you.
As an epilogue to these pathologies, when I went for muscle biopsy at UNC in May 2006, my cancer was [i]"POOF[/i]" [b]GONE[/b]. I began BCG treatments in June 2006. No recurrances.
When I was at Chapel Hill in May for biopsy, I was told that there were two muscle biopsies performed by my Doctor that day for T1 G3 bladder cancer. The other guy wasn’t as "lucky". He was going to lose his bladder.
I kind of wonder if they got this right?
[b]PATHOLOGIES [/b] [quote]1/28/06 (first path report – initial TURB)Histologic type: Transitional cell carcinoma (papillary)
Hildtologic grade: Well differentiated (G1)
Invasion of lamina propira; No invasion of lamina propria is identififed
Muscle present for evaluation: No
TNM (T) staging information based on available information: Ta: In situ carcinoma (papillary): no
invasion of subepithelial connective tissue identified[/quote]
[quote]3/20/06 (2nd TURB – residual tumor
Bladder Tumor Biopsy:
Inverted Urothelial Proliferation within lamina Propria
Comment: Sections of specimen B demonstrate fragments of focally inflamed and partially denuded urothelial tissue. Within one of the tissue fragments, nests of cytologically bland urothelium with partial biopsy artifact are present in the lamina propria and display somewhat "inverted" growth features. The nests are solid with smooth regular contours and the stroma is loose without evidence of desmoplasia. While these are thought to be a proliferation of Brunn’s nests, the possiblility of an inverted papilloma is considered. Additionally, the patient has a recent history of non-invasive papillary carcinoma in this area and a papillary transitional cell carcinoma with inverted features is also in the differential. The case will be forwarded to University of North Carolina for outside consultation. [/quote] [quote]3/27/06 (UNC 2nd opinion pathology report)
Addendum comment: This case was submitted for extradepartmental review at University of North Carolina due to pathologist request for additional opinion. Also included in the material sent for outside review was a previous case from the patient in which the reviewing pathologist, Dr….concurred with the original diagnosis of a non-invasive papillary urothlieal carcinoma.
With respect to the case, while the preliminary report considered a papillary carcinoma with inverted features in the differential, this was not the favored interpretation. Dr….and Dr…,however, interpreted this case as an invasive carcinoma with inverted growth pattern and staged the tumor as pT1, pNX, pMX. …
Histologic type: Invasive urothlelial carcinoma with inverted growth pattern
Histologic grade: High grade
Invasion of lamina propria: Invasion of lamina propria is identified (focal)
Muscle present for evaluation: No[/quote]