Superficial Bladder Cancer Originally, then a Rad Cystectomy and an Ileal Conduit a year later
[move][b]ANOTHER SURGERY ANOTHER SURGERY ANOTHER SURGERY[/b][/move]April 2nd 2008I have been quite fortunate up to this point. I had a 15% survival chance of being here in 5 years from the date of my Radical Cystectomy in August 2003. All of my scans have come back clear, my last scan was in October 2007. The last couple of months I started to feel some discomfort in my perinial area and some discharge coming from my penis. So last month I made an appointment with my urologist and described the pain that I was having. So he wanted to make an appointment for me to be a scoped. So 3 days later I got scoped, well they tried to scope me but they could not get the scope in due to some type of blockage.
This was a very paintfull experience. Then the Doctor decided to take a biopsy sample.
Agin very paintfull. Once the procedure was complete I met with my Doctor in his office and he asked me to call his office in a week and he should have the results. So I went home to wait, I pretty well new in my head that the cancer was back.
Three days after my scope I received a phone call from my Doctors Office that he wanted me and my wife to come into his office that morning. Since this was only 3 days since the biopsy and I was asked to call his office in 1 week to get the results. So needless to say I was very worried of why they were calling me so soon. While driving to my Doctor's Office my mind was going a thousand miles an hour. I was so sure that he was going to tell me that there is nothing they can do or that the best way to fight this cancer was to remove my penis. Which was not going to be an option for me. But that was not what his solution was. Apparently they can remove the urethra from my penis. So this Friday I am going for another surgery. I did make it very clear that if the cancer has spread further than my urethra and into my penis, removal is still not going to be an option.
So for now I will keep my fingers crossed and hope that it has not spread beyond my urethra.
Good bye for now and I will update the Cafe in a week or so after my surgery.
Take care everyone
Oct 19 2005
I have received my CT results and they tell me all is clear. So that leaves me 2 years clear since my Bladder Removal. Apparently the 2 year mark is a very good sign of a longer survival.
I must say I am very happy to hear that. Well I wish all of you success in your battles with the relentless beast, and I will be back in another 6 months.
May 2005
All was clear on my CT, still watching some areas but they have not changed since the last scan. I am optamistic that I will be okay for a while yet. Best of Health to all of you.
I will be back in October I am taking the summer off from cancer.
Bye for now.
Oct 28, well i went for my 3 month scan results and they are as clear as vodka. Nothing to look at nothing to keep a eye on, absolutley nothing. So good that my Doc said see you in 6 months. Needless to say my wife and I are very happy with the results. My aches and pains latley iI thought for sure there was somthing going on dow there. I am 1 year and 3 months post cystectomy. The Doc says if I can make to 2 year mark than my survival rate increases by a comfortable amout. This the first appointment that I feel that I just may live past the 5 year mark.
Good luck all and I will update agin in 6 months.
June 2002 diagnosed with superficial bladdere cancer. Had 8 tumours scraped, the +6 weeks of BCG.Following November had reacurrence and another TURB in December. Followed by BCG. February feeling discomfort in bladder area. Went for a early systo, found more growth, again did another TURB and pathology indicated CIS. Then I demanded a CT Scan, Radialogist report was very non commital " Not A Typical" bla bla bla. Got my CT on disc and had another radiologist look at it and it did seem to be muscle invasive. Refered to a cancer hospital downtown (PMH) I asked the Doc what is the best chance i have to be around for a while. He said "get the bladder out" my reply was "make it happen".
August 6th 2003, i had my bladder removed. I had a very rough go. I was in there for 3 weeks. Post op pneumonia, and my bowels did not want to wake up. I was to have a neobladder but that was not ment to be. I have a Ileal Conduit. My thoughts were at least I am still here.
Went for my pathology appointment with my Oncologist and that was very very hard. 7 out of 10 nodes removed were cancerous. Not great numbers. My surgeon told me with some luck and chemo i will make 5 years. Fingers are crossed i am going for 3rd follow up on July 21st. I had the Scan last week and they will let me know if they see anything. That is the last two years of my life in a Nutshell.
July 21st 2004. Update- went for my 3 month checkup and the CT Scan showed no change. This is a great thing for me. I was sure that there was going to be a growth, but there was not.
I am extremely happy and I am going to take 3 months off from cancer.
Keep smiling people and love life for the day.