superficial non-invasive

superficial non-invasive

Christmas Day 2004, suddenly began to pee blood – no discomfort, no pain – baffled!
Went to see my GP ASAP – recommended I type ‘Haematuria’ into browser and read up on possible causes – of course I found ‘Bladder Cancer’ to be the most probable cause. This was confirmed after a cystoscopy a week later. A few weeks later I was admitted into Addenbrookes Hospital where I agreed to have an epidural and watched the whole operation on a monitor – very interesting it was too. The whole thing went very smoothly and I’ve felt perfectly well through out. I had a small set back when I started peeing blood again a week after leaving hospital – this was caused by a slight infection and was soon cleared up with anti-biotics. I’m now awaiting my first 3monthly check up.

frdbrow7 Author