Superficial Tumor removed. Transitional cell carci

Superficial Tumor removed. Transitional cell carcinoma.


It all started with blood in my urine. Surprise. Up until this point I have pretty healthy. I’m 37 years old and an X-smoker (too late).
The fact that a tumor was found is still sinking in. I’m schedule for a biopsy in two weeks. Is that too long to wait? Should I try to get in moved up? Now the questions start coming. How long after they remove the tumor will it take to find out if it’s cancer? Do they take the whole tumor out or just a part of it to test? Should I go for a second opinion?
So many questions that I can’t seem to get them clear in my mind enough to write them out.

Update… I went in on the 20th of June for the TUR. The doc removed all of the tumor. The biopsy came back today. I have TA grade stage I/III. I go back in three months for another Cystscopy. Which will be the norm for the next two years. I don’t mind going back. I will keep you up to date on whats happening.

July 4th 2002
I’ve decide to go for a second opinion. Not that I am not happy with the diagnosis. But my doctor wasn’t real forth coming with any info on the type of preventive measure that might be an option like BCG or any diet changes or vitamins or supplements that may help. Beside if I’m going to let someone stick a scope up my penis I should at least like the person. I’ll let you know what happens after my nest appointment. Again thank you to all for your support. This is a great site. Prayers and thoughts are with you all and especially for Roger B. on the 15th God is with you…


14 July 02
I went for a second opinion this past week. This doctor was a little more forthcoming with information and also told me that my current doctor was right on with the diginosis and the follow up treatments of having the scope every three months. I’m glad I went. Anyone who questions whether or not to go for a second opinion, my advice is go. If it is going to make you feel better about the situation go for it. Beleive me it has made me feel some what better. I still feel like I’m not doing enough to make sure the tumor doesn’t come back. Any suggestions from you survivors would be appreciated. Any vitimins or supplements that have help to prevent the recurrence.
My next appointment is the 23 of July. Just a post-op follow-up. I’ll write more then.

06 Oct 02
Went in for my first scope sense the TUR back in June. The worrying was worst then the scope. The good news is still clean. What a releif. Even though my bladder is clear my doctor has suggested that I have a CAT scan because of some discomfort that I’ve been having. I go in on 08 Oct 02 but I may not know the results for a few weeks. Again I’m worried but I am also optimistic that it will be something minor. I’ll keep you posted.

20 Nov 02
Good news, is nothing showed up on the CAT and I’m very happy. The discomfort is managable and I guess I’d rather live with a little discomfort then another round with cancer. I have alot to be thankful for this season. Thanks again to all have sent their words of support over the last 6 months. Enjoy life!!!


21 Jan 03

Happy New Year.
Man I’m glad to see 2002 go. For me it wasn’t the year I had planned on Jan 1,2002. Anyway the reason I’m writing is to update things, first thing first I had my second scope on the 10th of Jan and ALL IS CLEAR!!! Great news. I’m still have some pain on as I have mentioned before. So far my regular doctor is stumped and so am I. We have a pain clinic and the Naval hospital and I have an appoinment in about two weeks. I told my doctor that I would much rather get to the bottom of this then just to treat the pain. He agrees and thinks that the clinic may be able to ID the sourse of the pain. I’ll let you know how things turn out.
That’s all for now. Here is to a Great Year. God Bless.


10 April 03

All clear!!! I went for another scope this week nothing on or in the bladder. I had a different doctor this time and this time I had a female doctor who was more thorough then my other doctor. She says that my bladder is looking really good and that I should be happy that the cancer has not returned. duh.
I did go to the pain clinic and they did an MRI which came back clean, another relief. I do have some deteration of my L1 and L2 which may be causing the hip/groin pain. I have received two injections straight in between my hip and where my spine connect. I’m taking some drugs for this also so far only minor releif. Any suggestions???
That’s all for now. Thanks

20 June 03
Still clear!!! This one means a little more because it just so happens that one year ago on this day, was when I first found out about bladder cancer. I feel great now but it has taken a whole year to get passed the initial shock of it all. I had to feel my way through. Thanks to the many people who have prayed for me.
BTW I have stopped taking all and any meds I have decide to live with the pain instead of feeling messed up and out of control. I guess that is the key word CONTROL. When I found out about the cancer I felt like I had lost control of my life. Well now I’ve finally got my head on straight and I’m taking control back. Too bad it took so long to figure it out. Anyway God bless all of you and keep the faith no matter how hard it may seem.

Hello again. It’s been a long time sense my last update, mostly because nothing has changed much. However I am going in tomorrow for my peek and poke. The last one came back clear. (T.God)
The pain in my groin area has gotten worse over the last 3 months. So the doc ordered an ultrasound of my testicules, they found three spots on the right one however they ruled them as cyst, and told me not to worry. Well worry is what we all do best. About 2 weeks ago I experinced some major pain in that area (8 out of 10 on the pain scale) I called the doc right away but being that it was Thanksgiving I didn’t get a call back until a week later. Anyway my doctor has a way with words (remember he’s a Navy Doctor) and during our phone con he said, very bluntly “well, we’ll have to discuss removing that testicle” Can you say. WHAT??? Needless to say the last week has been hell not knowing what he really meant and fear of thinking maybe he was serious. He’s always been blunt. I’ve been useing the web to educate myself on the different possiblities. I’ve found a very helpful website Atleast I know what tests to ask for now.
I do have a question for anyone here. Has any one had cancer pop up somewhere else after TUR-BT? Normally a reoccurance would be back in the bladder area, right? I’m trying to remain positive. I will let you know what the outcome is.


Peek and poke came back clear. Yipee!!! It’s not getting any easier either. You’d think things would stretch out atleast a little. Ouch! The hospital I go to is a Naval training hospital and my doc must be on a teaching rotation because the last two times he has had a shadow. This time the newbie had the pleasure of roto-rootering me first and then my regular doctor, so I 2 for the price of one. The think is that the newbie blurted out “there a tumor”…. I peeked out from under my hands and looked at my doc. he new I was about to freak. So he took a look and let the newbie know that it was just a spot on the lense. Boy was I releived.
Anyway I went in for an ultrasound on my right testicle and I’m waiting for the official report. I should know something soon. The tech who performed the US said that there were a few cysts but they are common. There is, however, a sol

dklampron Author