TCC bladder cancer (invasive),Stage T2 N0 M0, Grade IV (aggressive)
Renal sonogram and bloodwork post-op three months were “good”. CAT scan and chest X-rays were moved up a month (five instead of six) due to occasional pain in lower back/kidneys. Results for cancer were negative. No explanation for the pain.
The scan did confirm a hernia at the stoma site. Since it’s mainly cosmetic and causing no pain, nothing will be done about it for now. The Dr. says that repair has it’s own set of problems.
My husband’s adjustment to the external urinary diversion (external bag) has been good. He’s very active and was initially having a problem with the wafer coming unstuck. Problem is now solved since we discovered the medical adhesive spray.
He is sleeping through the night uninterruped and his energy level is good. We are beginning to relax some now.
J.L. (the farmer’s wife)