TCC currently starting BCG treatments,
In Feb. of 99 I had trouble urinating.I went to DR. and thought I had an infection.He gave me antibiotics and it cleared up for about 1 mon. and came right back.I did a xray of the urinary tract bladder and kidneys.They showed shading in the bladder area.Went in for a cysto aweek later and awoke in a hospital recovery room in extreme pain.Next thing I know Im in a privite room with my family and the dr. and he’s telling me he removed 11 tumors from my bladder 2 where golf ball size clusters.One of those was blocking the neck of my bladder.The tumors ranged from golf ball size to 2cm.I feel very fourtunate that {belive it or not}the tumors where only stage1 noninvaseive.The dr. said in 30 plus yrs. of practiceing he has never see anyone with this amount of cancer and not be at a higher stage.And to top it all off I had {belive it or not agin}no symtoms until I went in for what I thought was an infection.Ive had 5 more cysto’s and they found tumors every time the last one they found 5 tumors{in june 00}So now Im on my 5th week of BCG treatments.I know that someone is looking after me.And I know I can beat this.I hope whoever reads this will understand that this stuff can jump up and bite you without warning.Please feel free to email me.Im open to any help or sugesstions.Rick