TCC grade 3

TCC grade 3

Finally diagnosed in July of this year after having intermittent hematuria for 2 1/2 years. Kept being treated as a infection. In March I was having so much back and bladder pain I couldnt hardly stand it. Diagnosis then kidney stone although I did not pass a stone. In June again a lot of pain and finally a friend of mine whom is a doctor got me in to a urologist (if only I had opened up to her 2 1/2 years ago) I had a scope he saw a large tumor covering the entire back half of my bladder. I had the tumor removed and will start BCG in a week. I would like to hear more from other women diagnosed at a young age. I was referred to one of the leading cancer hospitals in the nation and they said I was one of the youngest women they had seen. I have NO risk factors, never smoked, never worked around chemicals all that stuff.