Transitional Cell Carcinoma stage 3 with involveme

Transitional Cell Carcinoma stage 3 with involvement of the limina propria

I was diagnosed a month ago and had the tumor removed via a transurethral whatever. Now I am having six weeks of BCG and just learning to live with it. Not fun yet, that’s for sure. Just discovered this site and am finding it wonderful…

Had six weeks of BCG during August and September and in October my doctor went in and did another biopsy and look around. I received the results a week ago and everything is clear and clean. I have tried to change eating and living habits to take even better care of myself and take advantage of every day. No, cancer is not a gift for me, but the way I have responded to it, most out of my control is.

I am taking oncavitamins every day and will go in every three months for two years for a peek and poke…

ststepheni Author