Physician Advisory Board

WebCafé has a physician advisory board in place to periodically review site contents for accuracy. After six years of steady growth as a patient-created and maintained site, we are honored and grateful for the support from these experts in the field of urologic oncology.

American Advisors

European Advisors

Michael A. O’Donnell, MD, FACS
Associate Professor
Director of Urologic Oncology
Associate Professor
University of Iowa Department of Urology

Dr. O’Donnell’s page at WebCafe, including areas of interest, positions, education and publications


Ashish M. Kamat, MD, FACS
Director, Urologic Oncology Fellowship Program
Associate Professor Urology & Cancer Biology
University of Texas – MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 446, Houston, TX 77030
Tel: 713-792-3250; Fax: 713-794-4824
Administrative Assistant: Raquel Villareal: 713-563-7474

Dr. Kamat’s page at WebCafe, including areas of interest, positions, education and publications


Mark P. Schoenberg, M.D.
Professor Urology, Oncology
Director, Division of Urologic Oncology
James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Dr. Schoenberg’s page at WebCafe, including areas of interest, positions, education and publications

Mr Tim OBrien, MA, MD, FRCS
Lead Clinician for Urology
Consultant urological surgeon
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, U.K.

Mr. Tim OBrien’s page at WebCafé, including areas of interest, positions, education and publications


Prof. Savino M. Di Stasi
Chair of the Operative Unit of Urologic Oncology, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy.
Associate Professor of Urology, Department of Surgery, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy.

Prof. Di Stasi’s page at WebCafé, including areas of interest, positions, education and publications

Of interest to Patients: Dr. Schoenberg broke the communication barrier with the publication of his patient oriented book:

The Guide to Living with Bladder Cancer
Mark P. Schoenberg;
Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers – and one of the least discussed. In this large-print guide, Dr Schoenberg and the faculty and staff of the Johns Hopkins Genitourinary Oncology Group explore what you need to know about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
ISBN: 0801864062