

Hi everyone, well its been a bit of a struggle as the doctors still arnt sure of what and where my problems are, i had the 6 x BCG which i finished ten weeks ago!all went realy well had vertually no side effects at all.
Im now due to go into the Middlesex Hospital in London on the 18th October 04 for a flouresent Dye to be instilled into my bladder which the uro said will show if there is CIS! Iv had gross blood in my urine and malignant cytology and then atyipa, 2 turbs which both were not pathologicly sure of what was causing my problems so we still keep looking.
Well i hope we all do well here and wish each and everyone well.
Kind Regards
Please feel free to email me

Well here i am its the 28th October iv just been to the Middlesex Hopital in London and iv had this flouresent dye put into my bladder to see if any CIS is still there after the 6 BCG treatments iv had, and IM CLEAR I am so happy all i have to do now is urine tests and 3 monthy cystos, i have to say its been a long 8 months but it proves that things can be done and i just hope it stays away now. i will keep the list updated as things progress, kind thoughts to everyone here. Bob

Joris Author