My Dad part four

Better and better news.

Dad is now eating and is his old self again. To hear him laugh on the telephone yesterday was as beautiful as hearing the wind rustle the long grass, the sea lapping at the shore and the feel of hot sun on skin. He is alive. He is still part of this world. And I am so bloody grateful. Dad loves nature – he loves nothing more than to be outside and I hope this gorgeous weather we have been blessed with remains. Nothing will be more life-confirming  for him than to sit in his garden, hear his water -fountain in his fish pond and feel the sun warm his face. After being in such a dark place for so long, it will be blissful. 

He still has diarohhea and the consultant has prescribed a drug I cannot pronounce (how do medical students get their tongues around these names!). It is an anti-biotic begiining with an M and although his stools do not contain any infection, they are giving it as a precaution and to control some of his symptoms. Mum went to see him with my uncle last night. She said that Dad looked lovely. He was full of colour and was his normal self. She said he was very choked to see my Uncle Stephen and held his hand. Dad has known Stephen since he was a year old.

Anyway, Dad should be home sometime next week. Once they have his bottom under control he will be home with Mum. I plan to go back on the 11th May and I am going to give my Dad the biggest cuddle ever.