My Story

;D Boy how things can change so rapidly. Not sure why I was so worried after the last P & P. Had my biopsies done on 7 March and the news was all good. No sign of any recurrence of tumors. Doc gave me choice of further BCG or repeat P & P in 3 […]

My Story

:-[ A little anxious again this way. I had a Cystoscopy yesterday and even I could see the inflamation that was on the bladder wall. Uro is hopeful it is just the effects of the BCG maintenance I had before Christmas. Has scheduled another Cystoscopy and bladder biopsy for 7 March so I will cross […]

My Story

Just a quick update. I have had that urge to pee over the past 3 months since second round of BCG. It is diminishing but still hits hard occasionally. Due for my P&P next Monday and will report after then. Fingers crossed there is no recurrence again. 😕

My Story

November I had my 3 week BCG maintenance course and this had to be a lot worse than the 6 I had earlier this year. After the 2nd one I got a severe fever, symptons not unlike tuberculosis and that was no fun for a couple of days. Peed a lot more blood than normal […]

My Story

Hi Rosemary Some time ago I posted the message below within another part of this forum and had little to no reply. I read about Selenium through a search of the internet and the potential benefits it might have for bladder cancer sufferers. Recently a local TV network in my town ran a story regarding […]

My Story

Thanks for the "lecture" Greg and no offence is taken to your wise words. I guess as a bowel cancer survivor of 10 years I am acutely aware of the need for regular checks and the benefit of these. After all it was a urine test, part of my regular bowel cancer checks that detected […]

My Story

Hello fellow BC survivors It has been some time since I last reported and there have been a few developments since my encouraging news in early August. It’s all good news I am pleased to say. In October I had another P&P which looked really good apart from a little inflamation within the bladder, which […]

My Story

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Great news. I just saw my Uro this morning and he was very happy with the path reports following biopsies in July. He said no immediate treatment is required and to come back for a follow up P & P in 3 months. What a relief.  😎 😎 😎 […]

My Story

Latest Update This is the review of my pathology from the cystoscopy and biopsies taken on 14 July: The slides have been reviewed in conjunction with Dr R Cohen. he agrees that the urothelium shows atypia which is focally full thickness with scattered mitotic activity. There is not the typical marked nuclear enlargement and hyperchromasia […]

My Story

14 July I had urine cytology done which turned out negative (some good news at last). However, cysto and biopsies done that same day and pathology just to hand has left me hanging yet again. Report from pathologist goes as follows (extract) MacroscopyBladder biopsy – 18 x 15mm in aggregate MicroscopyThere are multiple fragments of […]