Low grade Noninvasive 4cm+ Papillary Tumor

Low grade Noninvasive 4cm+ Papillary Tumor Diagnosed with TCC in August of 2000 after 3 episodes of hematuria over 9 months. Complained to primary doctor who waited until 3rd episode to order IVP. 4 cm mass removed. Reoccurrence about size of 2 matchheads removed in Dec of 2000 Jan/Feb of 2001 6 wks of BCG. […]

3 non invasive tumors size of a quarter

3 non invasive tumors size of a quarter no recurrance in three years, taking BCG treatments and recently had increase in PSA reading.( from 4 to 11.5) Dr. said could be from BCG treatments. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks, Lou After two biopsies my doctor has assured me my high psa is due to the […]

Bladder Cancer T1,Grade II

Bladder Cancer T1,Grade II February 1999, noticed urine was dark in color…thought it was due to too much coffee, or not drinking enough water…just ignored it. Noticed it several times more and didn't think too much about it. In October, when I went to my internist for my annual physical the urine was dark in […]

superficial T0 and T1 bladder tumors.

superficial T0 and T1 bladder tumors. No family history; non-smoker; no occupational related causes that I know of. Underwent 6 weeks of BCG treatment. Entered a clinical trial for Celecoxib to reduce recurrence. Tumors recurred four months later. Currently set for tumor resection and participating in an antibiotic drug study at Baylor College of Medicine […]

Three instances of non-metastisized tumors in the

Three instances of non-metastisized tumors in the bladder between April 1997 and May, 2000. During the winter of 1996 I urinated blood a couple of times while away from home for the winter. I returned home and went to my local urologist who found several superficial cancerous tumors in the bladder. They were removed in […]

Muscle invasive multi-focal TCC of the bladder (gr

Muscle invasive multi-focal TCC of the bladder (grade III & IV), Nerve-sparing radical cystectomy with orthtopic neobladder 11-1-00 Let me begin by expressing my gratitude for this excellent web site. It has been a great resource since my diagnosis. It has been four weeks since my surgery and my recovery is going very well. Not […]

T2b,grade 3 with carcinoma in situ.

T2b,grade 3 with carcinoma in situ. I just had my 18 mo. poke & peke and it turned out clear. I have been selfish and only read the forum without contributing. Now I feel with my last outcome that maybe it will make somebody feel a little better about their situation. My Dr. is using […]

Transitional Cell Carcinoma, with lamina propria &

Transitional Cell Carcinoma, with lamina propria & lymph node spread.  Post chemo scans & surgical pathology clean. Indiana pouch. I was 52 when diagnosed, and initially thought my bleeding was related to the Change.  When I realized it was occurring only when I urinated, I finally got my GYN to refer me to a urologist […]

TCC currently starting BCG treatments,

TCC currently starting BCG treatments, In Feb. of 99 I had trouble urinating.I went to DR. and thought I had an infection.He gave me antibiotics and it cleared up for about 1 mon. and came right back.I did a xray of the urinary tract bladder and kidneys.They showed shading in the bladder area.Went in for […]

Bladder tumor found growing into lamina propria wi

Bladder tumor found growing into lamina propria with CIS in rest of bladder. Grade I or II of III. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer at age 35 in 1994. I had blood in the urine and could actually feel the tumor for some reason. My doctors cannot understand this. I had a TURBT with […]